Chia sẽ miễn phí công cụ làm airdrop Free Money Auto Claim for dormint | sleepcoin on Telegram
Free Money Auto Claim for dormint | sleepcoin on Telegram
- Auto Claim
- Multi-Account Support
To register, click the following link: https://t.me/dormint_bot?start=5014079019
How to Use
Ensure that Python is installed on your computer. You can download Python from the official website: https://python.org
How to Find Your Account Token
Here’s how to locate your account token:
- First, activate the developer tool: https://toolskiemtrieudo.com/huong-dan-active-web-inspecting-in-telegram-app/
- Open the bot and access the developer tool.
- Navigate to the network tab.
- Select Fetch/XHR for the type (located below the filter box).
- Choose one of the visible URLs (such as info, status, etc.).
- Click on it and switch to the payload tab.
- Copy the token from the auth_token value in the payload tab. For example:
Payload tab content:
Paste it into a file named data.txt, following this example:
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=> For those who wish to download the source code or need assistance in personalizing the “information” section, please contact the admin @ToolsKiemTrieuDo. [Muốn tải mã nguồn hoặc cần sự trợ giúp trong việc cá nhân hóa phần “information”, vui lòng liên hệ admin